Tag Archives: Tag three
Your Home and Your Estate Plan
- - By : burkeslawli
- Date : 25-Jun-15
Your Home and Your Estate Plan
Your home is a significant investment. For many, it represents the single largest asset in your estate. The purchase or sale of a home can have a significant impact on your estate plan. Every homeowner should understand the following facts about Your Home and Your Estate Plan.
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Your Estate Plan and Your Loved Ones
- - By : burkeslawli
- Date : 25-Jun-15
How do you want to be remembered?
You have spent your entire life planning for the different stages of your life. As a young adult, you planned for your higher education. After you met that special someone, you planned your wedding and later your family. You made plans for raising and educating your children. You are planning or have planned for your retirement. So, with death an inevitable reality — have you prepared your estate plan?Read More